Summit For Wellness Podcast

Latest Episodes
185- Inside the Pharmaceutical Industry and Using Preventative Care
Troy Duell teaches us about the inner workings of the pharmaceutical industry and how to integrate it for preventative care
184- Dieting and Women’s Self Esteem with Camille Martin
Every time we go to the store or see commercials, we end up seeing diet advertisements and unrealistic changes like "Lose 10 lbs in 2 days". These ads create unnecessary stress for us to look a certai
183- Stress Reduction Methods to Improve Performance with Sabrina Runbeck
Sabrina Runbeck teaches stress reduction strategies to gain back a day each week.
182- How Homegrown Food Improves Your Fitness and Health with Colman Power
Colman Power teaches how to source local food for improving your fitness routines.
181- Strengthen Your Immune System with Dr. Gary Kaplan
Dr. Gary Kaplan teaches us how to strengthen our immune systems.
180- Adrenaline’s Impact on the Body with Dr. Michael Platt
Dr. Michael Platt teaches us how adrenaline impacts the body.
179- Detoxing and Natural Ways to Protect Your Genes with Spencer Feldman
Spencer Feldman provides a masterclass on how to detox the body properly.
178- Leveling Up Your Fitness Routine with Brian Keane
Learn from Brian Keane about helpful tips to improve your overall fitness routine.
177- How to Test and Treat Your Home for Mold with Jason Earle
Jason Earle from GotMold teaches us how to test your living environment for mold issues.
176- How to Stay Young and Fit at Any Age with Dave Sherwin
Learn from Dave Sherwin how to stay young and fit at any age.