There's No Place Like Summer Camp: Stories, Tips, and Laughs from Camp America, Camp Counsellors and

There's No Place Like Summer Camp: Stories, Tips, and Laughs from Camp America, Camp Counsellors and

Can You Volunteer at Summer Camp With Tattoos?

June 12, 2020

Hello and welcome to There’s No Place Like Summer Camp. I’m your host, Andrew Waterhouse, and in today’s episode we’re taking a look at whether you can do camp America with tattoos. So, come on in to our tent, and I’ll spill the beans.
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of, There’s No Place Like Summer Camp. We are here in a Friday episode where we answer your questions about volunteering for summer camp.
Project Update: Blogs
Just before I begin, I have an update for you, regarding the general state of where There’s No Place Like Summer Camp is and any sort of projects I’m doing on the side for the show and the book website. Now this one is particularly around the website because one thing that I’ve noticed that I’m really maybe missing out on is getting the word of, There’s No Place Like Summer Camp out there. Now I’ve made some changes in regards to how the blogs are going to be working from now on, on the website, because they seem to be. It’s a bit of a strange situation but a lot of people search for things around camp America and volunteering for summer camp, but the way the podcasts are, it can be pretty hard to look at a podcast first before you go to Google, a lot of these questions you’ll be googling.
Now, one of the things that Google somewhat lacks at the moment is being able to take a look at a podcast episode or some sort of audio and push that towards a user, rather than push them towards a standard blog or news article type of thing. So, going forward, the announcement is. We’re going to be transcripting, every episode of There’s No Place Like Summer Camp, which is a bit weird at the moment because as I’m saying this is going to be transcripted into a blog post itself.
There’s quite a backlog of episodes that have to go through and work through so they’re not probably going to be all up to date at the same time. But just to keep you all aware. There’s No Place Like Summer Camp is going to have a better presence on the internet, a better presence on Google in particular because all the episodes will have some text-based content and when you search the sorts of questions or any of the other episodes that I’ve done already, they’ll pop up a lot more frequently, and it’s going to be a little bit of a manual process I think. And you’re going to have to kind of bear with me on that front.
It was something that I did initially do so write some of the earlier episodes of There’s No Place Like Summer Camp. They do have their own blog articles but I found that it was taken up a little bit too much time to do the episodes every week, as well as writing them up, and then working on the book as well. But I think I’m in a position now where I found a really good tool that will help me for this so just to keep you all up to date.
There’s No Place Like Summer Camp, is going to be having text-based blog posts going forward, and hopefully, that will get the name out there. So if you think anyone will benefit from these podcasts, the website and all that sort of thing please recommend them. It’s very much appreciated as well as any reviews on podcast apps because that really helps get the name out there, helps the podcast bump itself up a bit if it’s got some reviews, and I’d really appreciate all feedback.
Camp America and Tatoos
Now, onto this week’s question, because every Friday is a questions episode. This is can you do camp America with tattoos, so let’s get on to the question.
So doing Camp America with tattoos totally applies to actually all the agencies out there, it’s not just Camp America it’s not just Camp Leaders or BUNAC, it applies to them all, and pretty much the long and short of it is that every camp has their own dress code.
For example,