There's No Place Like Summer Camp: Stories, Tips, and Laughs from Camp America, Camp Counsellors and

There's No Place Like Summer Camp: Stories, Tips, and Laughs from Camp America, Camp Counsellors and

5 Top Places to Visit After Camp

March 30, 2020

5 Top Places to Visit After Camp
Speaking from experience, I did my fair share of travelling after finishing 2 months in an American Summer Camp. My first year, I made sure to visit 3 of the big ones along the east coast while in my second year I hit up fewer places but still was able to check off some things from the bucket list. Read with me as I divulge into some of the top places to visit after you finish volunteering at your American Summer Camp…
Best Places to Visit After Camp Ends
So obviously before I begin, don’t plan to go anywhere before you have even set foot in camp. I mean it, it’s not worth it! It is a million times better to go with the flow, go with the best friends you are going to make on your own journey and see where the wind takes you. This article is more for people curious about potential places to travel while still at camp. Also, this list is in no particular order – remember I’m just a normal guy throwing ideas into the mix!!

* Florida – In Florida you can expect to find amazing beaches, a vast array of things to do (like snorkelling, fishing, souvenir shopping, sun bathing…) and some titans of tourist attractions. Some that spring to mind would be Universal Studios, Disneyworld and the NASA space centre. Expect hot weather, hot babes and a great time.
* New York – The Big Apple. You can’t really miss this one. Especially if you go with one of the leading suppliers of the American Summer Camp experience (that rhymes with Bamp Hurrericah). In case you didn’t know, in your first year they normally book flights for you as part of the perks of signing up. It works out you spend a lot less than returners and typically they all have the returning flight from New York back to the UK. So you can expect this as ‘a given’ which is pretty awesome as it’s such an amazing place to visit anyway! Plan to have this as the last place you visit before you return home and give yourself a few days to see the likes of Statue of Liberty, Time Square, Rockerfeller Centre, Empire State Building and the World Trade Centre.
* California/ Los Angeles – Never having been there personally, I’ve always lusted to visit the west coast and experience the hot weather and more importantly, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Embrace Alcatraz, Golden Gate Bridge and the stars of Hollywood in this sure to be entertaining place of adventure.
* Washington DC – Not to be confused with Washington State! American’s are weird about that whereas us internationals use the names interchange the words like they are the same thing haha. DC is a great place to hit up though, capital of America and all. It reminded me of back home to be honest, very similar to London in the way it presents itself. There is a lot to see here and it can be done on the cheap too. Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial and there are a vast array of free museums to see – a personal favourite being the Space Museum.
* Las Vegas – The big daddy of them all. Only really ideal for those above the age of 21 though – drinking laws and all. It’s sure to be a hit for those with a slight interest in the party scene. It’s sure to make for some memorable stories while you gamble your earnings away in the top casinos of the world! Hangover 4 here we come…

Tips for Travelling abroad in America
Think I’ve missed some of the most obvious places to visit from the list? Let me know in the comments or follow me on Twitter @androow09. Want more of the same? How about you check my book! There’s No Place Like Summer Camp is available from Amazon and all good book retailers soon. Pre-order it here.