Suit Up

Suit Up

Style v Fashion

February 03, 2019

Good Day Gentlemen!
My name is Aaron Steward, and welcome to the first episode of Suit Up! I am crazy excited to have you guys with me on this journey. This, of course, is the first episode, so some introductions are in order! As I said, my name is Aaron, and I’m a man of many hats! I studied politics in college, I’m a voice actor, a public speaker, a professional stylist and men’s wear expert… and currently, I’m out in the Rocky Mountains working as a Certified Ski Pro! I’ve spent the last several years working in the Men’s Fashion Industry, I’ve spoken at high schools and colleges about the importance of self presentation, I’ve sold thousands of suits, and helped more guys discover their sense of style than I can count. I’ve developed a passion for Men’s fashion, and nothing is gonna make me happier than helping you guys get there too.
I really hope you stick with me through this podcast. I’m excited to see where this journey takes us both! Every time I suit up, I think of a new outfit, a new look that I might like. Every time I meet someone new and see their personal look, I find my own style shifts – sometimes only a little, and sometimes astronomically! Every time I go online, or watch a video, or read an article, I find that my eyes are opened that much wider. There’s so much out there in this world, that it would be a shame to miss any of it.
I want you guys to see, to live it, and to own it.
Stick with me, and you’ll see what I mean.
Stay Dapper Gentleman.
– Aaron –


