Suffolk Money

Medals Going Home
Ahead of Remembrance Day, we have a fitting guest for our latest podcast from Suffolk Money, supported by Kingsfleet. Kevin Burch meets Adam Simpson-York, who has set up an initiative online, to try to reunite wartime medals and memorabilia with the families of the veterans who owned them.
Adam’s story is a truly philanthropic one and his reputation now proceeds him, due to the success he’s had this far in "returning the lost property that should never have really been lost". He finds and researches memorabilia that is being sold on ebay – anything from WW1 medals through to photos and named antiques and even bibles – and then traces their living relatives. A natural problem solver, Adam enjoys a mystery and his findings have brought joy to many – including Queen Camilla herself!
Kevin also meets Sam Moles, who Adam has helped with his detective work. Sam describes the elation he felt on receiving the detailed information that Adam bestowed him with about his memorabilia and the importance of the family connections made.
If you’d like to find out more Adam’s Facebook page is called Medals Going Home