Success and Inner Growth

Success and Inner Growth

Latest Episodes

The Plan with Four Layers
August 01, 2024

The Plan with Four Layers is the first episode of a mini-series discussing how to build a planning system. Why is that important? All big businesses and all military organizations have a planning syst

A Conversation about Life and Success
July 10, 2024

This is a recording of a magical conversation about life and success. It is not scripted at all. We let our mind and soul wander around and talk openly. It is very personal. We did not edit this recor

The Success Path
June 24, 2024

Too many people abandon the success path and drop their aspirations halfway. They strive for years to build a project, develop new skills, or simply lift their life to the next level. But then, they g

Artificial Intelligence and Human Thinking
November 26, 2023

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. Therefore, it is time fore a clear-eyes discussion about its implications. In this podcast episode explore the way artificial intelligence works and connect it

How to Thrive in an Adverse Environment
March 10, 2023

The current environment is certainly adverse and difficult to thrive in, especially for people valuing control over the own life. Governments intrude into our private life like never before. They try

Stability and Focus
November 06, 2022

Here is episode 27 of Success and Inner Growth: Stability and Focus, expanding on Stability and Resilience in episode 17. Although the quest for stability sounds more defensive, while focus belongs mo

7 Steps from Inspiration to Manifestation
August 28, 2022

Here is Episode 26 of Success and Inner Growth, the title Seven Steps from Inspiration to Manifestation. Actually, I recorded it already in June, but I waited with publishing until the second edition

It Is Your Choice
April 18, 2022

I changed the format of the podcast Success and Inner Growth, and today I did an interview instead of a slightly boring monolog. Instead a spirited dialog is waiting. Your life is your choice. If you

How to Tackle a Challenge
January 29, 2022

Once in a while we must tackle a challenge. Episode 24 of Success and Inner Growth discusses a framework and a process we can use to turn resistance and barriers into opportunities to learn and to gro

Movement and Action
November 04, 2021

Action is more than mere movement. If we stop moving, we lose our balance. But if we want to take control of our life and become successful, we must direct and control our movement. This is the meanin