Studio Eriksdotter presents FIKA

Studio Eriksdotter presents FIKA

008 - Art and Life with Melissa Townsend

January 12, 2016

In this episode we're talking with Melissa Townsend about her life as a successful full time artist and just kind of figure out her life and how much art means to her and how she chooses to paint and what she paints and how she lives her life.

Melissa and her Art [00:01:41]
How does she do it? [00:03:28]
Why being creative is a necessity [00:10:28]
A typical day for a full time artist [00:12:55]
A glimpse into her studio [00:18:52]
Commissioned work and live painting at events [00:22:35]
Advice for someone in hamster wheel [00:32:37]
Where can people find Melissa [00:38:55]

Links and Show Notes:

What is impasto? 
Wayne Thiebaud
The dog with the tennis ball and live painting at a wedding
The village piece
Upcoming events for Studio Eriksdotter
Submit questions here or use #FIKApodcast on social media.
Find your guest, Melissa Townsend, at, on Instagram and Facebook.
Find your host, Erica Eriksdotter, at,,

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