Studio Eriksdotter presents FIKA

Studio Eriksdotter presents FIKA

006 - Art, Motherhood & Small Biz Talk with Michelle Armas Part 2

December 15, 2015

On this episode we continue our fika with Michelle Armas and discuss the creative process and how she protects that creative mind of hers. Be sure to listen to episode 2 to hear the first part of this conversation.

Recap from Part 1 [0:55]
Michelle shares how social media has attributed to her success [2:38]
Introvert challenges, being brave and showing your art [7:42]
Handling judgement [17:05]
You could have done that [19:26]
Signing your pieces and what is ‘an Eriksdotter’? [22:19]
The sides of Michelle we never see [24:23]
The responsibilities of a small business [25:25]
How she protects her creative mind [32:01]
Hanging with who?  [33:52]

Links and Show Notes:

Blog posts on Cocktails & Canvases 
Upcoming events for Studio Eriksdotter 
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Find your guest, Michelle Armas, at,,
Find your host, Erica Eriksdotter, at,,,
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Thanks for listening!