STRUCK: An Aerospace Engineering & Lightning Protection Show

STRUCK: An Aerospace Engineering & Lightning Protection Show

EP56 – Pipistrel Alpha Electro; Battery Woes for Bye Aerospace; Is a 40-Passenger EVTOL Just Science Fiction?

June 03, 2021

Bye Aerospace lost their battery supplier, as Oxis Energy went into bankruptcy--what does this mean for Bye? We discuss the Alpha Electro, a trainer from Pipstrel, and the use of electric motors in light sport aircraft. Plus, more new EVTOL designs continue to pour out, including a 40-seat design. But are these prototype renderings just a pipe dream? Or will they ever actually fly?

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Transcript EP56 - Pipistrel Alpha Electro; Battery Woes for Bye Aerospace; Is a 40-Passenger EVTOL Just Science Fiction?

0:00This episode is brought to you by Weather Guard Lightning Tech at Weather Guard. We support design engineers and make lightning protection easy.

You're listening to the struck podcast. I'm Dan Blewett.

0:18I'm Allen Hall.

0:19And here on strike we talk about everything aviation, aerospace engineering and lightning protection.

Alright, welcome back to the struck aerospace engineering podcast. I'm your co host, Dan Blewett. On today's show, lots to cover a lot of interesting news in the cycle this week. Number one, and we'll chat about Southwest. There's just way too many flight attendants getting getting punched in the face. So we got a we got a chat about it. EVTOL. Startup Archer is seeking to dismiss the trade secrets lawsuit filed by whisk but that doesn't look like it's going anywhere. That seems like it's getting only increasingly messy. We'll talk about mighty fly, which has been cleared to start autonomous cargo drone service. They've gotten some some clearance from the FAA, which will be cool. And then in our engineering Simon was about pipistrel. They've a light sport aircraft, they got an electric motor and about an hour of flight time with an hour charge time. So pretty cool. Some rough news for by aerospace, their battery supplier oxes energy is facing bankruptcy. So we'll talk about the implications there. And then our EVTOL. Segment lots of interesting stuff going on there. We'll talk about some certification issues, which we've talked a bunch about in the past ehang is unveiling a longer range design, and Kel akona has thrown out a 40 passenger concept, which seems straight out of science fiction at this point. And we'll talk a little bit about that as well as some price controls. So start with Southwest isn't really sad Southwest is calling off plans. Well, the plans to sell alcohol in the plains does not make me sad I I'm neutral to it. But there's just been a lot of incidences with unruly passengers. And more recently, Southwest flight attendant was punched in the face loss of teeth. And I mean, things are getting are getting rough. What do you attribute this to?

2:18Alcohol, alcohol, people being upset about masks, reconnecting with the rest of society after being disconnected for a year, all those all those things are playing into it. I recently flew to Las Vegas and I was I kind of like flying to Las Vegas, because it's just it's different places a little more activity. Most airports, the only place I guess there's more places with slot machines. There's a couple places with slot machines in the country. But that has to have the most. And the amount of alcohol there is says hi right You m...