STRUCK: An Aerospace Engineering & Lightning Protection Show

STRUCK: An Aerospace Engineering & Lightning Protection Show

EP21 – AVX L3 Compound Coaxial Helicopter, Delta CEO’s Letter on the Future; Tilt Wing EVTOL – Will it Fly?

August 10, 2020

In this episode we discuss the AVX/L3 compound coaxial helicopter (CCH) and its unique design, Delta CEO Ed Bastian's letter on the company's future, new tiltwing EVTOL designs and more.

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Full Transcript: EP21 AVX L3 Compound Coaxial Helicopter, Delta CEO's Letter on the Future; Tilt Wing EVTOL - Will it Fly?

All right, welcome back. This is the Struck podcast. This is episode 21. And on today's show, we've got a bunch of really interesting topics. First we're in our new segment, we're going to cover, um, a couple of different things about the coronavirus downturn. So number one, Delta CEO, Ed Bastian, just released a letter announcing some of their outlook going forward.

They just had a, uh, a tough period of laying off a lot of people. And also they just had a bunch of employees except early retirement. So we'll chat about that a little bit in his outlook. Uh, also an interesting article at the BBC on. How jet planes are getting sent to boneyards essentially, I'm also a little bit of lightening strike news because we are a lightning first show.

A couple of people injured at the DHL hub. When a lightning strikes a lightning struck a ramp, it sounds like. So a couple of workers injured. We'll talk a little bit about that, which apparently happens more than people realize. Um, as we get into our engineering segment, we were talking a little bit about Honeywell, their UV cabin disinfection system.

It's really interesting how all of the world is changing as far as cleanliness and disinfection. And obviously the air air aircraft is no different. We'll also talk about the AVX aircraft, which is a really fascinating looking vehicle with a tilt rotor it's and they're developing, I guess, that for the U S army.

And then lastly, as we jumped to some electric tech, the do for. Tilt wing O L so a lot of discussion on that really interesting design. Very complex design. So Alan, let's start with news. We both just read, uh, ed bastion, the Delta CEO's letter. What are some of your thoughts? They got to stop the cash burn.

That's there. That's the thought? Yeah. 20 down to 27 million down from a hundred million, a port per day. Which is staggering $3 billion a month. They used, they were burning back in March, April leash. Wow. Money, a lot of cash burn the industry and what Delta jet blue, Southwest American United are all trying to do is.

Get the customer satisfaction numbers up so they can increase the ridership so they can fill some airplanes. Cause I think the issue right now is consumer confidence that they aircraft are in the airports themselves for that matter are clean. And that they're taking the precautions that were being told about every 30 seconds that.

Uh, th that we're maintaining a social distance that we're wiping down the airplanes or cleaning the airplanes and that, um, everybody on the airplanes or we're in math and it seems to be okay,