STRUCK: An Aerospace Engineering & Lightning Protection Show

STRUCK: An Aerospace Engineering & Lightning Protection Show

EP9 – Bye Aerospace, Airbus Coronavirus Detection, AeroFlot Crash

May 18, 2020

The 2019 Russian AeroFlot flight crashed after a lightning strike...why did this happen? We also talked about Bye Aerospace's E-Flyer electric plane, Coronavirus detection technology from Airbus, and more.

Episode 9 Full Transcript: Bye Aerospace, Airbus Coronavirus Detection & More

Welcome back to the Struck podcast. This is episode nine. Uh, Allen, what's going on?

Well, Hey Dan. Well, we're busily working away and coronavirus season, but enough of coronavirus I'm about done talking about that. What's new and what's new in your neck of the woods?

Uh, I got these really cool plastic handles that you can put grocery bags on, so it's like a real like handle and then you, it's got these weird, I'm going to, I'm going to hold it up for the camera here. It's on my desk. You slipped into the handles. It's a handle for handles. You put the bags in there, so when you're a city dweller, these things make your, I went to Costco like a month ago. Yeah, and I, and I like really loaded up and I put it all into reusable bags and they were like probably 40 pounds he took, they're very heavy. Whoa. It's not that big a deal except those little like canvas or nylon straps or have those, like, they just like dig into your skin after a while. And so it's like not the weight that's killing you. It's just like that. It just really just digs into your fingers and your Palm. So I got those. That's a cool little piece of a. Ingenious plastic that I got from Amazon. So, so that's news in my life. Real exciting, right? I got some groceries, grocery carriers. Well, I like pretty much all my, uh, daily. I mean, you take it for granted when you've lived in the suburbs your whole life, which I, which I have, which I am excited to be a city dweller. But, uh, and I, and I say the word dweller, somebody sarcastically because he says the word dweller, but, um, it's those little things like when you get all your groceries, sometimes you have to get heavier stuff than normal. And sometimes I'll just be like in a place and I'm like, Oh, I'll just get groceries here. Then I have like a 12 block walk home cause I like walking. But that's kind of a long way to carry something heavy that's like digging into your hands. So he's little creature comfort. So you can have in your backpack or your briefcase or whatever can come in handy. So when you need one of those little, uh, little wagons I've seen where they load groceries in the wagon, they call them buggies. But I'm not on the bus. I'm not on the buggy train because number one, it's big. And I don't want, like, if I'm going to. Take something there. I'd rather carry it home personally cause it's exercise. It's good grip strength. Like it's a, yeah, it's a good, good thing to carry groceries home. But just like those straps in my hands, there's not, not gonna be a pleasant thing for longterm. So plus you can belt, you can ball up like five bags in it, you know, when you like put all your groceries on one hand you do the same thing with those handles and it's super convenient. So . Well, is it something that Jeff Bezos put on your Amazon screen? How does that all work? Make that? I've never seen that before. Obviously. Bayzos knows I am not going to be doing that. I figured they existed, so I kind of searched them online, like grocery bag handles or something like that. Um, yeah, I assumed that, but I did have a, uh, a grocery snafu the other day, so I ordered Instacart from Costco. Yeah. Which, uh. You know, the Instacart's a grocery, grocery delivery service. Yup. Yup. And my first order, which was like two or three weeks ago, went fine without a hitch. They had everything that I asked for or whatever. This time, they're out of a couple of products, which no big deal, but the person can like message you from within the app and say, Hey, like this isn't there,