STRUCK: An Aerospace Engineering & Lightning Protection Show

STRUCK: An Aerospace Engineering & Lightning Protection Show

EP7 – WiFi on Planes and ThinKom’s SatCom Radome Technology

May 04, 2020

In episode seven of Struck, we discuss Panasonic avionics' white paper about millennial travelers, and whether WiFi should be free on all flights. We also talk about ThinKom's satcom radome technology and how their antennas help make in-flight WiFi a viable solution for travelers.


Dan: Welcome back. This is the Struck podcast,episode seven. I'm your cohost. Dan Blewett. I'm joined here remotely by lightning protection expert. And CEO of weather guard, lightening tech, Allen hall. Allen, how are you doing? 

Allen: Great. Dan, how you been? 

Dan: I'm doing well. Um, I feel like this has been like a little bit of an easier, slightly more focused week for me.

I don't know why it's rained a lot of the week, but overall pretty good. How about you? 

Allen: Uh, we've been getting in and out. You know, we're sitting at this new manufacturing facility, so we've been running around back and forth quite a bit. But, uh, you know, it's still pretty quiet. All the shops are still closed.

All the restaurants are still closed, so there's really no place to go. Have you been over to the Walmarts in D.C lately? Has 

Dan: To what? To get pepper sprayed? No, I have not. I have not. Um, and then we talked about that story, although it might've been cut out of this, out of the episode, but. Yeah. Yeah.

What, what your Allen's alluding to for you listening as a, there was a story in DC that he sent me that a woman was getting onto the elevator at a Walmart, which, you know, in cities there's Walmarts with you on the second, third floor, they might occupy a number of vertical floors and have parking beneath them, or loft apartments above or below, whatever.

And a woman was getting into the elevator and other other people were trying to get into the elevator to, you know, like as people do, and she's like, Oh no, you're not coming to my elevator. And she pepper sprayed. So another woman and the cops were called, and then like her, the statements from her were just unbelievable.

She's like, Oh no, you're not going to get in my, 

in my elevator gave me that Corona virus. 

It was just like straight out of Jerry Springer and it was an amazing story. I showed up my family 

Allen: and that hasn't spread has it? I mean, Oh, they nailed the target. Do you guys have Kmart? I guess Kmart is closed or what?

Dan: I mean, Kmart does not exist in Washington D C um, I don't. I have Kmarts have been going out of business for a while. I think they still are a thing, but like kind of not really. 

Allen: Just lost a harvest. Yeah. We just lost ours 

Dan: North of here. I mean, DC is a pretty affluent little city, so Kmart, I don't know who's going to Kmart, but, but yeah.

But the interesting piece of news on my end is I ordered my groceries for the first time ever the other day ordered Costco did. Yeah. Okay. It was glorious. It was glorious. Sy, my, my sister has been, I mean, rightfully so. My sister's, uh, she's due with her second child in two weeks, and so she earns the family like, Hey, it's a complicated situation because, um, she's afraid that her and her husband are gonna maybe contract something at the hospital right after she goes birth.

So she doesn't want to come home with her new baby greet my parents. You know, everyone wants to see the baby, and then my parents get something from them because they've been in the hospital.