Strive for Great Health Podcast

Strive for Great Health Podcast

Episode 53 - Health Disparities With Dr. Cheng Ruan

December 21, 2020

Wow, what a way to close out 2020!  Dr. Cheng Ruan, a titan in functional and holistic medicine, joins Dr. Harris to discuss health disparities in medicine and clinical research.  The topic expands far beyond that as the doctors had an incredible vibe.  They also discuss the following topics:

➡️The COVID vaccine and reasons for and against it

➡️The most critical step in healing your body

➡️How NFL veterans and combat veterans are quite similar

➡️Bioenergetics and why they matter

➡️How to deal with negativity on social media

➡️And much, much more!


We end the Strive for Great Health Podcast in 2020 on such a high note with a conversation about our hopes, dreams, and desires in our futures as holistic providers.


Connect With Dr. Ruan





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