Stress Free Now Podcast

Stress Free Now Podcast

Mike Greene Discusses His Autobiography “My Boring Life”

September 04, 2015

Podcast Episode 025                                                    Release Date: 9/4/2015

On this podcast Mike Greene takes readers on a wild ride as he describes the various aspects of his life covered in his autobiographical work My Boring Life. As you may imagine, Mike’s life is and has been anything but boring especially as he relates many of his “escapades” which he survived. Mike comes from a military family. He grew up in Panama, Germany, France and the eastern seaboard of the United States. He graduated from high school in Paris, France. He attended colleges in Virginia and North Carolina. During college he became a rock & roll disc-jockey on a local AM radio station. He stayed in radio for about fifteen years and eventually settled in Florida. For the past forty years, he has owned radio and television production companies. He also spent three years as a management consultant to Fortune 1000 companies even though he hated being a consultant. Mike has been involved in his south Florida community for many years and sat on the Boards of agencies and organizations that he thought would improve the lives of his fellow citizens. An avid storyteller, Mike and his wife Karen are fixtures in their community. He has been telling stories in electronic media for fifty years and has just started telling stories in book form. On this podcast Mike makes clear how valuable giving back to your community is on many levels and how our society is enriched when you volunteer and get involved.