Strength In Business

Build A Team of Executors Or Struggle
Finding executors who help you make your dreams come true are very rare. In the 20+ years that I’ve been in business I noticed that it’s really hard to build teams who know how to implement. It’s something every company struggles with no matter the size.
The upside: When you have a team of executors, you get things done in a week that other teams would probably do in 6 months or never.
The downside: If you build a mediocre team, you’ll get mediocre results and therefore be at the mercy of more or less mediocre clients.
You can have the greatest business concept in the Universe, however, if you can’t get the ball rolling, you’re toast. On top of it, there’s so much you can accomplish alone. Transcending limitations and taking your business to another level requires a team of “Who’s”. These are individuals who don’t get stuck in the “How”.
Are you up for the hunt of this rare breed?
Upgrade Your Team, Upgrade Your Business
Finding qualified personnel that takes responsibility and wants to grow is an issue that affects all sectors and industries. Whether you talk to a farmer, a car dealer, a construction site owner or the entrepreneur who created a brand new payment system, they will all tell you a similar story when it comes to building strong teams.
This is the elephant in the room that is barely touched upon by mentors, consultants, strategic partners and the entrepreneur himself when embarking on the journey of business.
You can have so many pieces of the puzzle well assembled such as a killer concept, sophisticated products and services, an outstanding pitch and yet, if you fail to put together a team of executors aka a strong team of Who’s, you’ll struggle.
Being constantly on the lookout for so called “hand raisers” is a clever way to navigate the waters. Whenever I’m traveling, visiting clients, taking factory tours or talking to brokers about real estate investments, I’m always scanning the environment for possible new team members who present themselves as a great fit for my own business.
While I find Face-2-Face meetings to offer the best opportunity to discover individuals who operate on a high-frequency energy level, we’re often forced to deploy targeted online marketing vehicles to attract and recruit people. These potential candidates perceive their talents, skills and experiences as precious tentacles that go beyond the superficial scope of money, fame and fortune.
Successful business owners know that reimagining, reinventing and upgrading themselves and their businesses on a regular basis is essential for thriving. The very same applies to your team. Just like an operating system, if you upgrade the machine but the software remains untouched, you’ll end up having system failures. Building, developing and upgrading a team of executors is non-negotiable for a healthy, sustainable business.
Are You Committed to Building A Team of Executors?
Do you have a team of executors?
The answer to this question will more often than not be a resounding “no”. In this case, what have you tried so far to change this instance? What are some of the things that have proven to work and what’s been a total disaster? Can you find a pattern of mistakes / successes that can help you carve out a better recruiting method?
Looking for commonalities amongst “Who Players” have helped me personally a great deal. I for one love to work with doers who don’t accept the status quo and dare to not follow conventional wisdom in business. I like strong personalities who have gone through hoops of challenges and have learned some of the hardest lessons in life. Furthermore, I value individuals who have a strong work ethic, are very loyal and committed to do whatever it takes to deliver results that coincide with the company’s ethos.
Having a team of executors work on accomplishing your dreams is a bliss. It not only allows you to maximize outcomes while offering an outstanding customer service but also enables you to enjoy the business adventure to the fullest.
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