Strangers and Aliens: Science Fiction & Fantasy from a Christian Perspective

Strangers and Aliens: Science Fiction & Fantasy from a Christian Perspective

Jackie Brown’s Four Loves: An exploration of the characters and relationships of Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown through C.S. Lewis’ The Four Loves - S&A367

July 17, 2021

A few years back, Ben had the chance to write an essay for the book “Tarantino And Theology” (edited by Jonathan and Jerry Walls). The result was a chance for Ben to dive into his favorite Tarantino movie, Jackie Brown, and dive into a book by his favorite author, C.S. Lewis.

Now, in 2021, with so many different things going on in this summer making it difficult to do the podcasting thing, Ben thought he’d pull out this old essay and present an audio version.

If you liked this episode and this essay or are a fan of Tarantino and theology, you should definitely check out the actual book (you can get it through Amazon here: TARANTINO AND THEOLOGY) because it features essays that are much better than Ben’s.