Strange Animals Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 415: Animals with Names
This week we're going to learn about some animals that seem to have individual names! - Further reading: Bottlenose dolphins can use learned vocal labels to address each other How Do Dolphins Choose T
Episode 414: Two Marvelous Frogs
Thanks to Eilee and Alexis for their suggestions this week, two amazing frogs! - Further reading: - Paradoxical frog: The giant tadpole that turns into a little frog Fungus is wiping out frogs. These
Episode 413: The Great American Interchange
Thanks to Pranav for suggesting this week's massive topic! - Further reading: When did the Isthmus of Panama form between North and South America? Florida fossil porcupine solves a prickly dilemma 10-
Episode 412: Whales and Dolphins
Thanks toElizabeth, Alexandra, Kimberly, Ezra, Eilee, Leon, and Simon for their suggestions this week! - Further reading: - New population of blue whales discovered in the western Indian Ocean - An E
Episode 411: Lionfish and Sea Squirrel
Thanks to David and Jayson for their suggestions this week! - Further reading: - Unveiling the lionfish invasion in the Mediterranean Sea - DeepCCZ: The Weird and Wonderful Megafauna of the Abyssal CC
Episode 410: Electric Catfish
Thanks to Cosmo for suggesting this week's animal, the electric catfish! - Further reading: - The shocking truth about electric fish - Efficient high-voltage protection in the electric catfish - Gimme
Episode 409: Guinea Pigs and Capybaras
Thanks to Mary, Mila, and Riley for their suggestions this week! - Further reading: - Comfortable and dermatological effects of hot spring bathing provide demonstrative insight into improvement in the
Episode 408: Dog-Like African Doggos
Thanks to Lydia and "warblrwatchr" for this week's suggestions! - Further reading: - Sweet tooth: Ethiopian wolves seen feeding on nectar - The African wild dog is not actually a dog and eats lots of
Episode 407: Cookie Cutter Shark
Thanks to Alyx for this week's suggestion, the cookie cutter shark! - Further reading: - If You Give a Shark a Cookie - The business end of the cookie cutter shark: - Show transcript: - Welcome to Str
Episode 406: Some Turtles and a Friend
Thanks toRiley and Dean, Elizabeth, and Leo for their suggestions this week! - Further reading: - Groundbreaking study reveals extensive leatherback turtle activity along U.S. coastline - A bearded d