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SFR 334: Kill Her, Mommy!
June 07, 2015

—Caitlyn Jenner appears on the cover of Vanity Fair and the reactions run the gamut from kind to kind of disgusting. –Dennis Markuze (aka Mabus) has been ordered to follow psychiatric treatment for 3 years following his ongoing campaign of &#8

SFR 333: Summoning Spirits
May 31, 2015

–We take a skeptical look at the Charlie Charlie Challenge divination game that’s sweeping the interwebs and ask why Mexican demons are taking American demon’s jobs? And what Mexican demon goes by the name Charlie, anyway? –Using a

SFR 332: Duggar Family Values
May 25, 2015

–TLC pulls “19 Kids and Counting” after a sexual molestation scandal is revealed which implicates reality show star, and anti-LGBT campaigner, Josh Duggar. –Has the time come to stop referring to ourselves and others as black, whit

SFR 331: A New Beginning
May 17, 2015

–We are glad to be back, and recording/broadcasting with a new soundboard. Plus, we have a plan in place to prevent Patches the Button Chewing Cat from destroying it. –Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will receive the death penalty, and Bobby &

SFR 329: Sad Madison Productions
April 26, 2015

–We watched the Diane Sawyer interview of Bruce Jenner, and it got us talking about a variety of issues involving transgender people. –Dr. Oz is responding to his critics by saying they are trying to silence him, and that his … Continue

SFR 328: An Afternoon of Public Shaming
April 19, 2015

–We open the show by talking about the 20th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing, and how it led us to interests in fringe subcultures, and conspiracy theories. –A two-year old child starved to death because his ultra-religious parents bel

SFR 327: Back From Beyond
April 13, 2015

–We detail a host of technical difficulties that led to the show going live later than normal. Problems which may or may not be causing the funky sound quality you hear on the podcast this week. –You want a baby … Continue reading &#8594

SFR 326: Fear the Prequel
March 29, 2015

–Baby update:  baby is coming this week.  Next week’s show will not air. –Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson waxes moronic about atheism and immorality, as he verbally masturbates himself imagining what would happen if an atheist fami

SFR 325: Something Else
March 22, 2015

–Baby update: still no baby. —Pastor Dollar asks his flock, and other supporters, to fund his dream of buying a top of the line $60 million jet. –Mexican wrestler Perro Aguayo Jr. dies after in-ring accident involving Rey Mysterio Jr. &#

SFR 324: Haunted By Stupidity
March 15, 2015

–Bobby baby update:  there is no baby yet. –With Friday the 13th being this past weekend, we talk about how we celebrated by reminiscing about the Friday the 13th game for Nintendo, as well as watching our favorite Friday the … Continue