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Latest Episodes

SFR 374: Three Men, Two Mics, and Some Cider
May 30, 2016

–There are only two live shows left after this one, but damn it feels good to be back on a Saturday night! Sitting in with us tonight is our good friend, Aaron Stein, known popularly in the SFR chatroom as … Continue reading →

SFR 373: Hard Targets
May 22, 2016

–After today, there are only 3 live episodes of Strange Frequencies Radio left! –Science writer John Horgan calls out skeptics at NECSS for their focus on “soft targets,” like ghosts and homeopathy, rather than what he sees as

SFR 372: Beginning of the End
May 16, 2016

–We begin with an important announcement about the future of Strange Frequencies Radio. Don’t worry, we’re still doing the show, but will likely be ending the live broadcast in several weeks. –A death in the family. –Our last

SFR 371: Unsafe Speech
May 01, 2016

–We start today’s show, centered around the topic of “Unsafe Speech,” by talking about the work of social scientist Jonathan Haidt, and how facts can get lost in the midst of orthodoxy. Warning: today’s episode may offend you occasionally, so &#8230

SFR 370: Ghosts R Dumb | Guest: Kenny Biddle
April 24, 2016

–We return to our roots by doing a full episode of SFR on ghosts. What better way to start off than by talking about how Bobby almost became a ghost a few days ago. –What is the state of ghost … Continue reading →

SFR 369: Criminal Justice Reform | Guest: Michael Griesbach
April 17, 2016

–Religious freedom bills? Bathroom protection acts? We examine the laws, what they mean for LGBT rights, and why some people may support them. It’s past time this insanity was flushed down the toilet. –Sarah Palin, in an attempt to mock

SFR 368: Can You Handle The Truth?
April 10, 2016

–Pope Francis delivers 265 page statement that has a lot to say about love, marriage, and even sexual orientation. But, be careful. While it takes a softer tone, it is not a change in Church dogma with respect to issues … Continue reading &#85

SFR 367: In Honor of Jeffrick
April 03, 2016

–The show opens on a sad note, as Jason and Bobby announce that their friend, and longtime SFR listener/chatroom attendee James Frederick (aka Jeffrick) has passed away. We remember him with a few fun anecdotes. –We hate April Fools Day. &#823

SFR 366: Uncomfortable Questions
March 20, 2016

–Violence erupts at recent Trump rallies, and a Chicago event is cancelled due to safety concerns. What is the cause of this aggression? Who is at fault? –Many progressive voters are using conspiracy theories and threats in their support of &#

SFR 365: Famous Last Words
March 06, 2016

–A knife allegedly found on OJ Simpson’s old Rockingham property is getting people excited about its potential. Could it actually be the murder weapon? Maybe! But there are very good reasons to be skeptical of the entire story. –But, just &#82