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SFR 318: The Moral Arc

February 01, 2015

(A snowstorm in our area prevented us from recording the show at our studio today, so we did the program entirely by phone. Please accept our apologies for the less than optimal audio quality. Enjoy the show!)

–James Randi announces his retirement from the foundation which bears his name, the James Randi Educational Foundation.  We talk about what Randi has meant to us, and what we hope to see from him going forward.

–Deepak Chopra comes off as an HIV/AIDS denialist in an interview, saying that HIV “may be a precipitating agent,” but that it is “never the cause of the disease.” You’ve gone full woo woo, Deepak. Never go full woo woo.

–The beliefs of parents cause children to suffer: in Utah, a family commits mass suicide due to fears of an impending apocalypse. And, a measles outbreak in Arizona infects up to 1000 people because of the anti-science anti-vaxxers of the world.

In hour 2 of the program, we spoke with Michael Shermer of the Skeptics Society about his new book, “The Moral Arc.” We discuss Shermer’s thesis that we are living in the most moral age in human history, and why this is not a byproduct of religion, or even a mere accident, but instead the direct result of science and reason.


–Recommendations: Bobby took the easy way out and recommended Michael Shermer’s new book (link below) while Jason asks those interested in the psychology of paranormal experiences to check out the fascinating and interactive book “Paranormality” by Richard Wiseman.

–The all-female cast of the Ghostbusters reboot hits movie blogs and many folks are none too pleased. Is this just misogyny? Or do people just not see the value in rebooting a classic comedy?




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