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Episode 241 - The Woo in Review

June 02, 2013

–Watching the reactions to Animal Planet’s Monster Week, especially their “Mermaid” specials, has been both hilarious and stupifying

–Convicted felon and internationally known Grief-Vampire Sylvia Browne has reinstated her Facebook page.  But, lest you think she is steering clear of nonsense, her comments suggest she is still straight stupid.

–In an update from last week, The Vatican confirms atheists are still going to hell, despite what some thought Pope Francis meant by his comments.

–The arrest and expulsion from school of a gay teen has the left in an uproar.  Was all this because of a lesbian relationship, or statutory rape?

–A 21 year old girl has breast cancer after developing a habit of keeping her cell phone in her bra.  Is radiation to blame?  What does the best science say about a possible link between cell phones and cancer?

–Huge protests of Monsanto are largely ignored by mainstream corporate media.  We weigh in on GMO, Monsanto, and try to elucidate that these discussions must largely start and end with science.

–Joe Muto, the “Fox News Mole” is releasing a book on his years working for the cable news network.  A hilarious excerpt has sold us on buying it.

–”Ghost Hunters” star Jason Hawes kinda sorta inadvertently says ghosts don’t exist.

In our 2nd hour, we talk to a man who goes by the name “Brent the Crazy Christian” to discuss why, in his opinion, you cannot be good without God, why homosexual behavior is sinful and harmful, and how is it “justice” in some cases to slaughter children.

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