Straight from the shack with Dart

Straight from the shack with Dart

Latest Episodes

10 Moments of Impact by Tom Wilson read by Straight from the Shack with Dart
February 13, 2019

Moments of Impact is the true story of Tom Wilson, the sole survivor of a plane crash. Read by Straight from the Shack with Dart

09 Moments of Impact by Tom Wilson read by Straight from the Shack with Dart
February 12, 2019

Moments of Impact is the true story of Tom Wilson, the sole survivor of a plane crash. Read by Straight from the Shack with Dart

O8 Moments of Impact by Tom Wilson read by Straight from the Shack with Dart
February 07, 2019

Moments of Impact is the true story of Tom Wilson, the sole survivor of a plane crash. Read by Straight from the Shack with Dart

O7 Moments of Impact by Tom Wilson read by Straight from the Shack with Dart
February 06, 2019

Impact by Tom Wilson is the true story of Tom Wilson, the sole survivor of a plan crash. Read by Straight from the Shack with Dart

O6 Moments of Impact by Tom Wilson read by Straight from the Shack with Dart
February 03, 2019

Moments of Impact is the true story of Tom Wilson, the sole survivor of a plan crash.

05 Moments of Impact by Tom Wilson
February 01, 2019

Moments of Impact is the true story of Tom Wilson, the sole survivor of a plane crash.

04 Moments of Impact by Tom Wilson read by Straight from the Shack with Dart
January 30, 2019

Moments of impact is the true story of Tom Wilson, the sole survivor of a plane crash

03 Moments of Impact
January 28, 2019

Moments of Impact is the true story of Tom Wilson, the sole survivor of a plan crash. Read by Straight from the Shack with Dart

First pages of chapter 4 of Crushing it by Gary Vee and my thoughts
January 27, 2019

Just a few pages from crushing it by Gary Vee read by Straight from the shack with Dart

02 Moments of Impact
January 25, 2019

Moments of Impact the true story of Tom Wilson, the sole survivor of a plan crash. Read by Straight from the Shack with Dart.