St Peter's Bury

St Peter's Bury

Wonders | Simon Watkinson

June 24, 2024

Simon concludes our series — Words, Works, and Wonders: Living on Mission Today — by drawing our attention to the supernatural wonders which God brings about.

He traces this back through all the Bible, on into church history, and up to the present time. He urges us not to fall into common traps when dealing with the miraculous, and to see how God wants us to work with him to see these things come about, for God's glory.

Simon reminds us, to close, how these dimensions of mission are intended to work together, to build a rich picture of God's goodness and give a full understanding of his nature.

We hope this talk, and series, spurs you to find out more about Jesus or to help others find out more about him. Let us know how you get on, or if we can be any help.


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