Latest Episodes
A dialogue about how a Ukrainian pastor, Vitaly Sorokun, planted an extremely unique church in Kharkiv, Ukraine 18 years ago for university students living in the 10/40 window and his path to becoming the Director of Foreign Missions in the largest Pro...
E:17 Mobilizing Missionaries from Uganda
Mobilizing Missionaries from Uganda to the Unreached
E:16 Millennial Voices in Global Missions
Sean James, a millennial mission’s pastor from a church in Austin, Texas talks about the surprises he experienced as the only American at a mission’s conference hosted in Ukraine. Listen to Sean’s stories about his recent Bible College education and th...
E:15 Business as Missions in a Global Calling
Listen to Andrew and Jody talk about living cross-culturally to be a part of God’s global mission but as full-time workers in their careers. They were missionaries in the past but they now recognize a new potential for having full-time jobs while plant...
E:15 Business as Missions in a Global Calling
Listen to Andrew and Jody talk about living cross-culturally to be a part of God’s global mission but as full-time workers in their careers. They were missionaries in the past but they now recognize a new potential for having full-time jobs while plant...
E14: How the Church in El Salvador is Joining God’s Global Mission
In this interview between Austin Gillis and Karen you will learn how this El Salvadorian woman becomes a mission mobilizer to the nations. The more she gets to know the greatest servant of them all, Jesus Christ, the more she grows as a servant. The...
E14: How the Church in El Salvador is Joining God’s Global Mission
In this interview between Austin Gillis and Karen you will learn how this El Salvadorian woman becomes a mission mobilizer to the nations. The more she gets to know the greatest servant of them all, Jesus Christ, the more she grows as a servant. The...
E13: Mobilizing the Russian Church for Missions
Listen closely to this compelling interview with Jim in Moscow about the realities of Russians reaching the unreached in our world who don’t know Jesus. Jim has served in the Slavic world of Russia and Ukraine for close to three decades.
E13: Mobilizing the Russian Church for Missions
Listen closely to this compelling interview with Jim in Moscow about the realities of Russians reaching the unreached in our world who don’t know Jesus. Jim has served in the Slavic world of Russia and Ukraine for close to three decades.
E12: El Salvador Missions and Mobilization to the Nations
El Salvador is not the first place people think about going for a tropical vacation. Jake, a former engineer and now missionary, is serving in El Salvador and his perspective on God’s calling in his life to serve and lead is fascinating. What has God...