The Story in Your Head

The Story in Your Head

Ep. 91 How to Fire Someone Nicely: Ensuring Dignity and Respect

July 03, 2024

In this episode of “The Story in Your Head,” Ron and Deb discuss the delicate process of firing someone with dignity. They explore why it's important that a termination should never come as a surprise, emphasize the importance of performance improvement plans, and outline how maintaining dignity benefits both the employee being let go and the organization. Whether dealing with a toxic employee or someone who simply doesn’t fit, the conversation highlights how to manage exits in a way that upholds everyone's dignity.

Embark on a transformative journey with 'The Story in Your Head' podcast, where we delve into the power of narratives in shaping our lives and the cultures within organizations. Our expert hosts, alongside a diverse array of guests, explore the realms of self-talk and collective storytelling, uncovering insights that foster authentic connections, personal growth, and thriving workplace environments.


Each episode is a masterclass in understanding and reshaping the narratives that influence our personal interactions and professional dynamics. Discover strategies to enhance self-awareness, build stronger relationships, inspire leadership, and cultivate inclusive, innovative company cultures.


Whether you're seeking to enrich your personal life, elevate your professional relationships, or transform your company's culture, 'The Story in Your Head' is your guide to harnessing the power of story for a more fulfilling and productive future.


Tune in and take the first step towards rewriting the stories that define us, individually and collectively. Because when we change the stories we tell ourselves and each other, we can change the world.


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