Story and Star Wars

Story and Star Wars

Latest Episodes

Story And Star Wars 8: StarWonks Live II
November 24, 2015

At last, we come to the end of the Story and Star Wars series, and discuss the prequel trilogy, the saga as a whole, and what we've learned along the way.

Story And Star Wars 8: Live II
November 24, 2015

At last, we come to the end of the Story and Star Wars series, and discuss the prequel trilogy, the saga as a whole, and what we've learned along the way.

Story And Star Wars 7: Revenge Of The Sith
November 14, 2015

This week, we close out the prequel trilogy and bring our story full-circle with Revenge Of The Sith, the last Star Wars movie -- for now!

Story And Star Wars 7: Revenge Of The Sith
November 14, 2015

This week, we close out the prequel trilogy and bring our story full-circle with Revenge Of The Sith, the last Star Wars movie -- for now!

Story And Star Wars 7: Revenge Of The Sith
November 14, 2015

This week, we close out the prequel trilogy and bring our story full-circle with Revenge Of The Sith, the last Star Wars movie -- for now!

Story And Star Wars 6: Attack Of The Clones
November 08, 2015

Anakin is all grown-up and it's time to begin the Clone War with Attack Of The Clones, a change of direction for the Star Wars series.

Story And Star Wars 6: Attack Of The Clones
November 08, 2015

Anakin is all grown-up and it's time to begin the Clone War with Attack Of The Clones, a change of direction for the Star Wars series.

Story And Star Wars 6: Attack Of The Clones
November 08, 2015

Anakin is all grown-up and it's time to begin the Clone War with Attack Of The Clones, a change of direction for the Star Wars series.

Story And Star Wars 5: The Phantom Menace
October 30, 2015

We turn our attention to the prequel trilogy this week, with some thoughts on The Phantom Menace, and the ways in which it shifts our understanding of what Star Wars is.

Story And Star Wars 5: The Phantom Menace
October 30, 2015

We turn our attention to the prequel trilogy this week, with some thoughts on The Phantom Menace, and the ways in which it shifts our understanding of what Star Wars is.