StoriesInEdu's podcast

StoriesInEdu's podcast

Latest Episodes

Aubrey Jones Explains What Happened With Sidney And His Phone
November 20, 2018

Sidney wasn't focused, wasn't engaged, and spent a lot of time on his phone. Aubrey Jones tells the story of what happened next when he connected with her and with the content. She continues on to tell us how she learned as much as she taught that...

Jon Spike Explains How He Learned Early On To Never Forge A Signature
November 13, 2018

Mandy and Josh laugh with Jon Spike about his unusual job title and the great work he has done in various educational roles. In addition, he tells the story of how he had some tense (yet funny) moments early in his career. He learned so much from that...

Kris Jenkins Spins Yarns And Gives Us A Look At The Good Old Days
October 30, 2018

Kris Jenkins tells the story of Mrs. Moore who gave her a safe place to ease back into school after her dad was taken at such a young age. That mentorship continued and blossomed as Kris looked to her again as a new teacher. She stayed in contact with...

David Abdel Loves His Job And Creates Experiences For His Students
October 24, 2018

Josh and Mandy host David Abdel who is not in his first career, but he is in the career he loves. He shares stories from inside his blended learning classroom, and details the experiential learning he created for students to show them how citizens...

Chuck Moss Tells Stories About the Good News Call of the Day
October 16, 2018

Guest hosts Jason Bretzmann and Kenny Bosch hear and tell stories with long-time educator Chuck Moss. Chuck re-tells his story from inside the Stories in EDU book related to his use of Principal Mark French's idea of the "Good News Call of the Day."...

Kylie Kissel Puts Us On The Edge Of Our Seats
October 09, 2018

Josh and Mandy host Kylie Kissel as we get to hear a variety of stories including the one that puts us on the edge of our seats because we don't know how it will turn out. He continues on to share other stories that make us laugh out loud and stories...

Jason Bretzmann tells stories from inside the new Stories in EDU book
September 30, 2018

Mandy and Josh host teacher, Jason Bretzmann, as he tells the story of how the "Stories in EDU" book was created and then shares stories from inside the book. Plus more stories. It's stories on top of stories on top of stories to start season two....

The One With Sarah Fuchs Where She Implores Us To Try Genius Hour
June 15, 2018

Front-end student choice, genius hour, and the power of students having more control over their own learning. They tell all the stories in this episode of stories in EDU. Join Mandy and Josh as they share alongside teacher Sarah Fuchs. Plus enjoy the...

The One With Darren Massa And Improv
June 06, 2018

Mandy and Josh talk with Darren about his use of improv as a teaching, brain break, and creation-of-culture tool. Plus improv as a metaphor for life. Another podcast full of stories to inspire and get us moving forward. And don't forget about the...

The One With Art La Flamme And Our Intelligence Briefing
May 23, 2018

Clearly we're outside of our comfort zone here, but Mandy and Josh share stories with college professor and intelligence expert Art La Flamme. Interesting to hear how learning, personalization, and relationships connect different educators in...