Stoned of Thrones
Latest Episodes
Thanks Game of Thrones you Really Screwed the Pooch on this One
The Gang talks about the last episode of G O T
There are no Ramps in Kings Landing
Talking about episode 5 with Your Royal Highness , Middle Finger , Hillbilly ,Chicken Juice and introducing Madagascar Vanilla Bean Bourbon Extract.
Burt & Ernie , Beefy Mac, Hill Billy , Middle Finger, Chicken Juice, and Your Royal Highness coming to you from the Green Room. Discussing G.O.T. episode "The Long Night"
Last one alive Burn One (Jon Targaryen)
Sitting in the green room with our friends Chicken Juice, Your Royal Highness, El Conquistador, and Tootie riffing about our favorite show.
Zig Zag Rickon
Just some friends hanging in the basement talking about their favorite show. Middle finger, Beefy mac, faceless women, Hill billy, Chicken juice, and Bert & Ernie.