Stirring Tha Pot
Latest Episodes
Eps 24 AK-36 and the Birthday Boy
Special guest @AngelaK joins the MoMacAttack to wish our favorite coHost a Happy Birthday. Listen as this killer group of thinkers stir things up.
What's NEXT - Eps. 23
We discuss the human condition; the let downs, the paradox of what we do and what talk about stepping up the our game the only way: THE HARD WAY. By asking only one thing, "What's NEXT?"
Eps 22. Trick or Treat with LilExtreme
We talk Murder, Serial Killers, and all things spooky with our fav psycho laureate from New Jersey. She's not a psycho, but a scholar on these things. Well sorta. She know more than MoMacAttack, which isn't saying much, but makes her god like in his eye
Eps 19 The Return of StirringthaPot
I Momac'd last week's episode. So I brought it back to life from the backups.
Eps 18. the Pop Culture and Anchor Trash Episode
We talk about movie-going, current events and most important: people we miss on Anchor.