Still Growing In Grace

Still Growing In Grace

Latest Episodes

SGIG e093 “What ‘is’ Grace?” – A Discussion
September 08, 2021

This discussion was recorded on ‘Fireside Creators’ with Sherri Pallas. She interviewed Paul Gray, Bill Thrasher & myself on the topic of ‘What is Grace’. I think you will totally enjoy the discussion!! Thank you Sheri Fireside Creators on Facebook: h

SGIG e092 “What About Heaven”? – A Discussion Pt 4
August 28, 2021

Heaven! What is it, where is it, what haven’t we been told about it? This new mini-series will unpack what the modern church has taught on the subject but it will also discuss what the ‘early church’ thought about the topic. Enjoy as Richard Murray, Bill

SGIG e091 “What About Heaven”? – A Discussion Pt 3
August 18, 2021

Heaven! What is it, where is it, what haven’t we been told about it? This new mini-series will unpack what the modern church has taught on the subject but it will also discuss what the ‘early church’ thought about the topic. Enjoy as Richard Murray, Bill

SGIG e090 “What About Heaven”? – A Discussion Pt 2
August 11, 2021

Heaven! What is it, where is it, what haven’t we been told about it? This new mini-series will unpack what the modern church has taught on the subject but it will also discuss what the ‘early church’ thought about the topic. Enjoy as Richard Murray, Bill

SGIG e089 “What About Heaven”? – A Discussion Pt 1
August 07, 2021

Heaven! What is it, where is it, what haven’t we been told about it? This new mini-series will unpack what the modern church has taught on the subject but it will also discuss what the ‘early church’ thought about the topic. Enjoy as Richard Murray, Bill

SGIG e088 “What Does Forgiveness Look Like”? – A Discussion
July 31, 2021

Today’s discussion was initially broadcasted on Facebook and Youtube via “Fireside Creators” with Sherri Pallas, the host. She gave me permission to re-share it here on SGIG. · ·

SGIG e087 “What Is Hell”? - Part 6 Lake of Fire
July 21, 2021

What is hell? Shouldn’t it be obvious? Don’t our movies and angry preachers make it clear? The quick answer is NOT A CHANCE. Is ‘hell’ real? I would have to say YES. But ‘WHAT’ is hell? This is not talked about enough nor taught on. Just trusting your ‘pa

SGIG e086 “What Is Hell”? - Part 5
July 14, 2021

What is hell? Shouldn’t it be obvious? Don’t our movies and angry preachers make it clear? The quick answer is NOT A CHANCE. Is ‘hell’ real? I would have to say YES. But ‘WHAT’ is hell? This is not talked about enough nor taught on. Just trusting your ‘pa

SGIG e085 “What About Judging”? - Part 2
July 07, 2021

When I look up a ‘simple search’ on what the Bible says about judging, I find the first bunch of references to begin with ‘do not judge’. Sounds so simple doesn’t it? Then why do we has humans spend so much time judging oneanother? We judge the motives of

SGIG e084 “What About Judging”? - Part 1
June 30, 2021

When I look up a ‘simple search’ on what the Bible says about judging, I find the first bunch of references to begin with ‘do not judge’. Sounds so simple doesn’t it? Then why do we has humans spend so much time judging one another? We judge the motives o