Stigma Free Vet Zone

Stigma Free Vet Zone

A Journey From Betrayed to Peace

May 07, 2021

As the daughter of an active US Marine, Kim followed her father into service. Becoming a US Marine was a defining moment for Kim. She said it was one of the greatest achievements of her life outside of having her daughters. While serving, Kim was sexually assaulted. The trauma of that action left her feeling betrayed and alone. Getting out of that unit helped significantly, but when command shifted her back, things started to get bad again. Kim left the Marine Corps feeling betrayed and regretful of her time of service. Ashamed, she hid her service history until a friend coaxed her to seek help. Now, after treatments she is once again proud of her service and her accomplishments during her time in uniform. Currently, she promotes kindness and racial justice through social media and local activism.