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Welcome to Abounding Joy!

Latest Episodes

Genesis 37-50 Joseph Points to Jesus
November 25, 2021

God has engineered some amazing prophecies, typology, and illustrations into His Word that point us to Jesus and make it incredibly plain that the Bible is God’s Word. This is a Bible study from our S

Invitation to New Bible Study Class (“Standing Firm”)
November 17, 2021

Vickie & I feel led by the Lord to launch a new Bible Study class at Fairview Baptist Tabernacle Church! We will meet in room 209 at 10:15 AM each Sunday. We would love for you to join us! Stay in the

Warriors of Christ Update
October 25, 2021

This is an update on the current status of progress on the Warriors of Christ course. Please pray that God will use it in the lives of the students at Cross Creek, as well as in the lives of many othe

Am I Being Too Political?
October 05, 2021

Too many Christians are fearful of taking a firm stand on God’s Truth because they fear being thought of as politically offensive.

Are You in Denial?
September 20, 2021

Many, many people are in a kind of denial about the most certain thing on earth. I hope you aren’t one of them! Don’t miss this brief video message! Stay in the battle! Steve

Genesis 01:01-19 In the Beginning–God (Part 2 of 2)
September 06, 2021

A comparison of the different ideas about creation (Young Earth, Gap Theory, Day-Age, Theistic Evolution, etc.). Why I’m a “young earth” creationist. Stay in the battle! Steve

Genesis 01:01-19 In the Beginning–God (Part 1 of 2)
September 06, 2021

A comparison of the different ideas about creation (Young Earth, Gap Theory, Day-Age, Theistic Evolution, etc.). Why I’m a “young earth” creationist. Stay in the battle! Steve

Protect Your Kids: Talk with the Teacher
August 13, 2021

In these days when we find unbiblical, non-Christian worldviews making their ways into our schools, it has become very important that parents learn to have gracious, Christlike conversations with thei

Spiritual Warfare Part 7 (The Sword of the Spirit: The Word of God)
July 21, 2021

God expects His kids to be able to use the sword He has provided (His Word) to drive off the enemy and destroy his strongholds. Here is a list of some of the verses in God’s Word that are valuable in

Spiritual Warfare Part 6 (Helmet of Salvation–Perseverance of the Saints)
July 21, 2021

The helmet of salvation, including the doctrine called the perseverance of the saints (security of the believer) will enable us to stay in the battle against our spiritual enemies. Here are some of th