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Latest Episodes

Spiritual Warfare 4 of 10 (Truth about Prayer)
September 22, 2012

The enemy would love to convince us that prayer is a powerless exercise. He likes to remind us of times when prayer did not seem to change things. He will do anything he can to get us to doubt what God has said about prayer. That’s why we need to gird u

Spiritual Warfare 3 of 10 (The Belt of Truth)
September 22, 2012

While Satan, his demons, and men are liars and deceivers, God speaks only truth. When we gird up our loins with truth, we are protected from one of Satan’s most effective weapons: discouragement through lies. He attempts to deceive us, confuse us, blind

Spiritual Warfare 2 of 10 (The Weapons)
September 22, 2012

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against th

Spiritual Warfare 1 of 10 (Introduction)
September 22, 2012

The Bible is quite clear: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) We are living in a ti

What is Your Spiritual Gift? 24 of 24 (Conclusion)
September 18, 2012

God has given you a Spiritual Gift! He intends for you to use it to strengthen the body of Christ, to glorify Him, and to bring great joy and satisfaction to your own Christian walk. These podcasts will help you to determine what your spiritual gift is

What is Your Spiritual Gift? 23 of 24 (Illustrations)
September 18, 2012

God has given you a Spiritual Gift! He intends for you to use it to strengthen the body of Christ, to glorify Him, and to bring great joy and satisfaction to your own Christian walk. These podcasts will help you to determine what your spiritual gift is

What is Your Spiritual Gift? 22 of 24 (Summary)
September 18, 2012

God has given you a Spiritual Gift! He intends for you to use it to strengthen the body of Christ, to glorify Him, and to bring great joy and satisfaction to your own Christian walk. These podcasts will help you to determine what your spiritual gift is

What is Your Spiritual Gift? 21 of 24 (Mercy Misuses)
September 18, 2012

God has given you a Spiritual Gift! He intends for you to use it to strengthen the body of Christ, to glorify Him, and to bring great joy and satisfaction to your own Christian walk. These podcasts will help you to determine what your spiritual gift is

What is Your Spiritual Gift? 20 of 24 (Mercy)
September 18, 2012

God has given you a Spiritual Gift! He intends for you to use it to strengthen the body of Christ, to glorify Him, and to bring great joy and satisfaction to your own Christian walk. These podcasts will help you to determine what your spiritual gift is

What is Your Spiritual Gift? 19 of 24 (Review)
September 18, 2012

God has given you a Spiritual Gift! He intends for you to use it to strengthen the body of Christ, to glorify Him, and to bring great joy and satisfaction to your own Christian walk. These podcasts will help you to determine what your spiritual gift is