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Latest Episodes

1 Peter 3:13-17 Part 3 (Podcast)
December 23, 2015

We will be better equipped to be able to give an answer to anyone who asks us a reason for the hope that is in us if we have a good grasp of some of the evidence God has left us for the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. -

Genesis 23–the Death and Burial of Sarah (Podcast)
December 23, 2015

Sarah is the only woman whose age at her death is given in Scripture. She is also the only woman that we are encouraged, twice, to learn from. In spite of her mistakes, she provides a godly example of faithfulness and loyalty. -

Genesis 22–The Binding of Isaac (Podcast)
December 23, 2015

Genesis 22 is one of the most familiar chapters in the Bible. For many, it is also a chapter that brings great chagrin. But God has an exciting purpose for bringing about these events and for causing them to be preserved for us in His Word.

Charity & Troy Working on Mark 12:30 (Mini Podcast)
November 10, 2015

A  few days ago, two of my Grandchildren, Charity (6) and Troy (4), were with me in the car. We were on our way to some play time in a nearby park, and we were working on  memorizing Mark 12:30. ("You shall love the Lord, your God, with all heart,

Genesis 17-18:15 God’s Promise to Abraham, Part 2 (Podcast)
November 09, 2015

Continued discussion of circumcision. Circumcision in the New Testament. Comparison of circumcision and baptism. "Angels Unaware." Jesus appears to Abraham. Abraham's strong example of hospitality. When a gentle rebuke is enough.

Genesis 16-17 God’s Promise to Abraham, Part 1 (Podcast)
November 09, 2015

A wife may give bad counsel, but the husband is still responsible. Examples of the danger of trying to do things for God our way instead of His way. God's amazing care for Hagar. Importance of getting a new name. The sign of the covenant.

1 Peter 3:13-17 (Part 2) Ready to Give an Answer (Podcast)
October 25, 2015

Brief review of the attitudes we need to have in order to handle times of suffering well. The command to be able to give an answer to anyone who asks us for a reason for our hope. The need for mental discipline,

Revelation 4 Holy, Holy, Holy (Podcast)
August 05, 2015

How do we interpret the rich symbolism of this chapter and of the entire book of Revelation? Humbly! God created great creatures who worship Him with great expression of praise. We can learn much from these creatures! -

1 Peter 3:13 Zealous for What is Good (Podcast)
July 26, 2015

As followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, we believers are expected to be zealous for what is good. This Bible study examines the meaning of the word "zeal" and considers some examples of it. - This is a Bible study shared with the residents of McMinn Me...

1 Peter 3:8-12 (Part 4) (Podcast)
July 23, 2015

How we are not only to seek peace with others, but actually actively pursue it. Why some people don't get that peace.  How God answers our prayers in the manner of how someone might weave a beautiful tapestry.