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Latest Episodes

Veritas Presentation 2–Evidence from Archaeology & Fulfilled Prophecy (Podcast)
March 13, 2017

Archaeologists have found a lot of amazing things that make a strong case that the Bible is historical, not mythological. Fulfilled prophecies make a strong case that the Bible is God’s Book, certainly not a merely man-made book.

Veritas Presentation 1–Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Podcast)
March 11, 2017

God has chosen to leave us some powerful evidence for the benefit of those who might find it difficult to believe that Jesus could have literally risen from the dead, but who are searching for the truth and willing to consider the evidence.

Matthew 15:10-16:26 Learning from Jesus (Podcast)
March 10, 2017

In this study: The danger of blind spiritual leaders The danger of majoring on the minors In what sense was Jesus sent “only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel?” How Jesus commends faith and rebukes the lack of it The nature of the faith that Jes...

Matthew 15:1-9 Genuine Worship (Podcast)
March 10, 2017

In this study: A brief overview of Matthew chapters 11 through 14 John Gill’s explanation of the seriousness with which the rabbis took the tradition of the elders and ceremonial hand washing The seriousness with which Jesus takes the matter of worship...

1 Peter 5:10-14 Just Ahead–Glory! (Podcast)
February 26, 2017

In these final, wonderful words of Peter’s first letter, we are reminded that, because of Jesus: All our sufferings not only have definite and real purposes, but they are also temporary and brief, and Very soon we will experience glory beyond our wilde...

Judges 7 & 8 More Life Lessons from Gideon (part 2) (Podcast)
February 07, 2017

In this study: How and why God trimmed Gideon’s army to move them from being 4 to 1 underdogs to being 450 to 1 underdogs How God so mercifully kept on encouraging Gideon How the Sword of the Lord strikes terror into the hearts of His enemies How God’s...

Judges 6 Gideon (part 1): The Peace of God Leads to War (podcast)
February 07, 2017

In this study: An overview of the book of Judges How painful judgment can really be merciful How trying to hide from judgment won’t work Why God likes to choose weak vessels How we fall into a humanistic trap when we tell our kids, “You’re awesome.

Brief Pro-life Update 1/15/17 (Podcast)
January 27, 2017

January 15, 2017 was National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Since I was scheduled to do one of the Veritas Presentations on that Sunday, I only took about 10 minutes of class time to give a brief pro-life update,

Joshua 1:1-9 How to Face Overwhelming Circumstances (Podcast)
December 09, 2016

The next time you have to face overwhelming circumstances, your mind will definitely be meditating on something. Why not let that “something” be this wonderful passage of Scripture. There are wonderful promises to Joshua here that parallel wonderful pr...

Veritas and Evangelism (Podcast)
December 08, 2016

For those of you who have followed our Veritas project  through the years, you know that one of the primary objectives of Veritas has been to help especially young adults, but actually to help all of us, know how to give an answer to anyone who asks us...