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Psalm 51 How to Confess Sin (Part 1) (Podcast)
August 14, 2017

One of the most precious promises we have from God’s Word is that “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) In Psalm 51, after his sin with Bathsheba,

John 4:1-14 The Woman at the Well (part 1) (Podcast)
July 22, 2017

In this study: How we must be enlightened How we can hear the Gospel over and over and not get it Why Jesus left Jerusalem Jesus’ perfect timing Why He had to go through Samaria Significance of the Living Water metaphor Significance of being baptized i...

Psalm 19 The Heavens and the Word (podcast)
July 17, 2017

In this Study: How the heavens declared the glory of God in David’s day How God has gradually revealed more of His stunning handiwork to men as men have tried to explain the universe without Him Examples of God’s fine tuning of His creation The tremend...

Psalm 84 Learning to Worship from the Sons of Korah (podcast)
July 02, 2017

In this study: The fascinating history of the sons of Korah Nuggets from some of the Psalms of the sons of Korah Significance of God’s use of the plural “tabernacles” Significance of the tabernacle of David and Mt.

Psalm 23 The Lord is My Shepherd (Podcast)
June 20, 2017

We are so thankful to our Lord for putting this Psalm in His word! It is certainly one of the most comforting passages in all of the Bible. In this study, we also consider some of the names God has given Himself, focusing on the compound names.

John 1:6-18 John the Baptist (podcast)
June 13, 2017

In this study: The greatness and the humility of John the Baptist How Jesus enlightens men through creation The amazing Gospel–The Amazing Grace God gives to those who receive Jesus This is a study shared at McMinn Memorial Nursing Home on May 27,

Psalm 1 Delighting in God’s Word (Podcast)
June 13, 2017

In this podcast: Introduction to the book of Psalms Comparison of Jewish Tanakh and our Old Testament Purposes of the Psalms–Why God gave them to us How God shows us two ways and requires us to choose The danger of ungodly counsel Learning how to delig...

Matthew 26:36-46 Man of Sorrows (Podcast)
May 09, 2017

When we see Jesus being crushed and in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, we see startling 700-year-old prophecies being fulfilled before our eyes. We can only marvel at what might be the clearest exposition of the Substitutionary Atonement found anywh...

Veritas Presentation 3–Evidence for Creation from Molecular Biology (Podcast)
May 09, 2017

God has made some awesome stuff! When we look closely at the incredibly complex molecules of life that He has made, we begin to understand why God said that it’s foolish to try to explain the existence of the world around us while leaving Him out of th...

National Day of Prayer at TPJH 5/4/17 (Podcast)
May 04, 2017

This is a brief (~10 minutes) message I shared with some of the wonderful students of Tellico Plains Junior High around the flagpole there at the school on the morning of the National Day of Prayer, May 4, 2017. Stay in the Battle!