Stereo Decisis
Stairway to Copyright Infringement
On this week's episode of the pod, Hilary Young, Oliver Pulleyblank and Rob Danay discuss:
- The decision of the 9th circuit court of appeals in the United States to order a new trial on the question of whether Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" violates copyright;
- The apparent decision of Canada's Privacy Commissioner to refer a question to the Federal Courts on whether or not PIPEDA includes a "right to be forgotten;" and
- The propriety of former Supreme Court judges acting as counsel in their post-judicial careers.
In obiter dicta, Hilary talks about the perplexing recent provincial election in New Brunswick, Oliver delivers a sermonic ode to the game of baseball and Rob talks about the unfortunate clash of mountain goats and human beings in the Olympic National Park.
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