Stereo Decisis

The "Beverley Bralette" Edition
On this week's episode of the pod, Hilary Young, Robert Danay and Oliver Pulleyblank discuss the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Rogers Communications Inc. v. Voltage Pictures, LLC, 2018 SCC 38, which concerned the ability of a copyright owner to gain easy access to the identities of alleged copyright infringers; the Federal Court judicial review of a decision concerning the removal of a judge by the Canadian Judicial Council in Girouard v. Canada (Attorney General), 2018 FC 865; and the creative sentencing decision of Mr. Justice Nakatsuru in R. v. Morris, 2018 ONSC 5186, which dealt with questions of systemic discrimination, moral culpability and the scourge of gun violence in Canada.
In obiter dicta, Rob discusses a story about a grandmother in Texas who killed an alligator that she believed to have eaten her miniature horse, Hilary discusses the Beverley Bralette and Oliver pays tribute to teachers after suffering through his son's birthday party.
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