| Steppin' Out Radio

| Steppin' Out Radio

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Family Issues
October 06, 2017

Alex is a returnee to Steppin’ Out Radio.  This time, he’s discussing his experience with yet another 12-step fellowship: Al-Anon.  Aside from working on his own addictions through other groups, Alex says Al-Anon assists him in exploring troubles cause...

Lies Upon Lies
October 05, 2017

Ed’s first gambling experience came age seven, playing with his childhood friends, pitching coins and betting on neighborhood sports games. He remembers raising himself, as his father had long work hours and his mother was uninterested in him.

Bob Richards
October 04, 2017

Bob Richards is the President of the National Association of Addiction Professionals, or NAADAC. He advises listeners how to find an appropriate addiction counselor or physician. He says those seeking professional help should do so form people who are ...

Alessandra Rain
October 03, 2017

Alessandra Rain is a nationally recognized expert on addiction drugs and the founder of “Point of Return” which assists those addicted to prescription painkillers go through at-home withdrawal. Her own story begins when she suffered a horrible car acci...

Mid-Life Crisis
October 02, 2017

John worked as a senior editor in New York City, but Crystal Meth forced him to walk away from his well-paying job only to wind up on public assistance. Going to work took a back seat to securing money and a drug deal for the day.

October 01, 2017

Guy is a Crystal Meth addict who began his addiction while in recovery from alcoholism. He says the two are completely different. He had been close to eleven years sober from alcohol, but he first thought of meth as an innocuous substance,

Vegas, Baby.
September 30, 2017

Ronnie’s gambling issues began later in life when she moved, in her forties, to Las Vegas. Her job in New York had been downsized, and so she ventured west to find work, never having gambled before at a casino. Ronnie’s family moved there previously,

Gerry Cooney (2015)
September 29, 2017

Gerry Cooney made the leap from amateur boxer to professional prizefighter at age 19.  In a very short time, he worked his way up to a 25-0 record.  But as quickly as he rose through the ranks of pro-boxing,

Lee McCormick
September 28, 2017

In the late 1970’s and 1980’s Lee McCormick hit the road as a singer songwriter. He plunged into the lifestyle head first and headstrong. His tipping point came in 1997 when he barely woke up one day, realized he had an out-of-control drug problem and ...

September 27, 2017

Adam thinks he was born an alcoholic; even as a young child never felt comfortable with himself. And alcohol, he learned, could make those feelings go away. He would later learn his own father was stashing alcohol around the house,