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| Steppin' Out Radio

Models Against Addictions – Part I

June 19, 2018

Born in Communist Poland and raised by a dysfunctional, abusive family, Asia Janina Dyrkacz would never think she’d become a high fashion model and actress.  She would flee to the United States where such opportunities awaited.  But Asia had already been a substance abuser and drinker.  She was depressed and riddled with anxiety, but she tried at age 40 to become a professional model.  A high-profile agency signed her and soon Asia was walking catwalks in Paris, modeling for Hermès and Donna Karan, posing for Marie Claire and shooting ads for BMW.  But during her modeling career Asia began abusing cocaine. Her use of drugs, booze and pills eventually lead her to attempting suicide, but a call to a friend saved her life.  Asia would choose recovery and begin a cleaner life – one that would lead her to spearhead a movement to challenge the fashion industry to fight addiction.