The Stem Cell Podcast

The Stem Cell Podcast

Ep. 257: “Retinal Regeneration” Featuring Drs. Hwee Goon Tay and Beau Fenner

December 12, 2023

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Dr. Hwee Goon Tay is an Assistant Professor at the Duke-National University of Singapore Medical School and Dr. Beau Fenner is an Ophthalmologist at the Singapore National Eye Centre. Their work focuses on cell therapy for degenerative retinal diseases. They talk about strategies to slow degeneration and potentially restore vision.

Featured Products and Resources:

The Stem Cell Round Up

A Hypoblast from hPSCs – Researchers used genetic and non-genetic approaches to generate authentic hypoblast cells from naïve hPSCs.

Culture Conditions for Mouse and Monkey Stem Cells – Stem cell co-cultures reveal crosstalk between embryonic and extraembryonic lineages.

Modeling Parkinson’s and Addiction – Scientists developed midbrain–striatum–cortical organoids that enable investigations into the human dopaminergic system.

Multi-Chamber Cardioids – A human cardioid platform recapitulates the development of all major embryonic heart compartments.

Photo Reference: Courtesy of Drs. Hwee Goon Tay and Beau Fenner

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