Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

058: Steli returns to Germany: A lesson in presence and priorities

March 06, 2021

I've never had a great relationship with my Germany, even though I was born here, I grew up here, I have family and friends I love here. I never liked living here. And whenever I came back to spend time in Germany, I always like coming back to a place I didn't belong, nor wanted to be.

But because Germany is such a big part of my life, I wanted to find a way of coming back without feeling that way. And this time around, I asked myself a very simple question to create clarity. I asked myself: What's the most important thing for me during the first few weeks here in Germany?

To me, the answer was simple: I want to spend quality times with my loved ones here. And as long as I accomplished that every day, as long as I shared real quality time with loved ones, where I'm fully present in the moment, then for me, that's good enough.

I won't stress about anything else. If I'm not as productive as I want to be, if I don't get all the things done that I want to get done, if I don'