Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

046: The soul of little things

February 10, 2021

I've been very out of touch with my own emotions, wants and needs for a long time. And much of the past year has been about getting to know myself better: What do I want? What do I really like? For myself, not for my company, my family, for my team, for my career, but for me myself, just Steli.
And one thing I do know about myself is that I was a very utalitarian person, praying at the altar of productivity. "Get shit done" was my mantra. 
And recently, I discovered that I can surround myself with objects that give me positive energy, that sing more harmoniously with who I am and what I want my life to be.
In this episode, I talk about how my good friend Juan, who happens to be a plant. I talk about the veneration of objects in Japan, and the power of caring for things beyond the fact that they are tools we use to do something.
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