Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

042: McGregor vs. Poirier 2 - Looking foolish in the name of progress

January 28, 2021

I was surprised to see McGregor get knocked out by Poirier this fast. But one thing that’s been bothering me about McGregor is that I don’t think he’s been picking the right sparring partners to prepare for this fight. None of his sparring partners really had the chops to seriously challenge him as much as he needed to be challenged.
And it reminded me of a principle I’ve been trying to put into practice myself for many years: the willingness to look foolish in the name of progress.
It prompted me to ask myself again:

Are you putting yourself out there enough?
Are you humble enough to seek advice in areas where you need it?
Are you willing to expose yourself and risk getting your ego bruised?

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