Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

032: What makes you come alive at work? A purpose-finding exercise

November 13, 2020

What's the driving force that keeps you excited, motivated, and makes you come alive?
This is not always an easy question to answer, but in this episode I share a simple way of uncovering your purpose at work.
Think about the last 3 months. What were some of the best moments you've had at work? The moments you were most alive, most excited, most inspired? And what do these moments have in common?
For me personally, at the time when I recorded this video, the answer was change and growth.
First, it's when I myself change. When I change what I believe, when I change how I act and think, because that's when I grow.
Every year, I review the year that has passed, and I ask myself: How have I changed? How have I grown? If I think back to the version of myself I was one year ago—do I think that version was a total idiot, that version of myself was completely wrong?
If the answer is yes, then that's actually pretty exciting to me. But if the answer is no, I feel devastated, because I've