Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

006: The Path to Creating Great Work? Create a Lot of Crappy Work First

September 03, 2019

Content is so obvious, so often. Useless. No value. Yet, others are touched, amazed, impacted, and inspired by the most obvious truth of content consumed.

Different people, perspectives, and points in their content journey:

Sparks interest
Generates surprise reaction
Feels compelled to share message 

Challenge of crappy vs. quality content: 

Practice creating and sharing content
Publish all content - good, bad, or dumb
Stimulate engagement and discussion 

If you forget how much fun you have creating content, it becomes work. It’s not so fun anymore.

Acknowledge, honor, and appreciate your knowledge and expertise with something that needs to be taught, valued, and shared.

Reasons why you’re driven toward or away from your passion:

Decisions are important and matter
Cynicism leads to naive and childish decisions
Continue to grow, but never grow old in your field and skills
Extreme changes motivated by wrong stimulants and ideas