Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

005: Knocking Down a Bully

July 01, 2019

The first time I knocked someone down during a fight, they collapsed and couldn’t continue sparring.

I‘m not bragging or super tough, but it felt good. It inflated my ego.

My opponent was younger, shorter, bulkier, muscular, and aggressive. 

Every gym has a few of them. Those guys who didn’t get the memo that sparring should not be a fight to the death. 

When faced with frustration and fear, most of us decide to never spar again, ask the bully to take it easy, or ask a trainer for help. 

It’s the bully in the classroom who makes your life hard. This isn’t school, and you’re not six years old. You can’t run and hide, or go to your teacher, crying for help.

Bullies are everywhere. They could be your managers, investors, co-workers, or opponents. 

You can’t create a world where you never have to deal with bullies.  

Whenever I’m in a new environment, I try to be overly nice and respectful to make myself and others comfortable. 

Mental side of martial