Stealership Stories Podcast

Stealership Stories Podcast

Latest Episodes

"The Universe has spoken"
February 07, 2022

Ralph and Lou discuss what has been happening over the last few months and what may happen in the coming year

You ask and you shall receive..... what did I do!?!
November 04, 2021

Lou and Ralph discuss the aftermath of Lou returning to the dealership.

I QUIT......ok I changed my mind.........
May 17, 2021

Lou and Ralph discuss diving back into the ............I cant say it.Dealer.

Your call cannot be connected at this time, please hang up and try again...........
April 13, 2021

Lou and Ralph discussing a whole lot of nothing , getting back in to the swing of things.

We're back..........
March 12, 2021

dont forget about us we will be back!

"Its under warranty.............."
November 03, 2020

Lou and Ralph are back smack talking the industry.

"Shame on you..............."
August 07, 2020

Lou and Ralph discuss automotive haptics.Especially how treating people is key to the world going round.

To be or not to be........COVID free
June 14, 2020

Lou and Ralph discuss taking care of yourself and other ramblings

"If you would like to make a call, please hang up and try again.........."
May 28, 2020

Lou and Ralph chat with an old co worker/friend Pete. Get some insight on his take on working in a dealership and dealing with workers and customers.

Who does number 2 work for, or work against.................?
May 14, 2020

Lou and Ralph invite Regan into the "office" to engage in delightful automotive discussion.