Static Bursts

Latest Episodes
Static Bursts #21: Installing ESD Flooring: Avoiding Pitfalls (Part 2)
To avoid unexpected expenses later, it’s crucial to factor installation, maintenance & repair & test new ESD floors after installation.
Static Bursts #20: The Pitfalls of ESD Flooring Selection: How to Avoid Flooring Failure (Part 1)
Pairing the wrong ESD floor/application can lead to flooring failure. We explain factors to consider, why each is important, and how to avoid mistakes.
Static Bursts #19: ESD Flooring Selection (Part 2)
When choosing an ESD floor, consider all the variables. Installation, maintenance & downtime can add substantially to total cost of ownership.
ESD Flooring Selection (Part 1)
Most people looking to purchase an ESD floor are starting at ground zero, with little knowledge about the product. In this two part series, Dave and Rick discuss the key criteria for selecting an ESD
Case Study – Replacing a Failing Floor Without Losing Production Time
StaticWorx interlocking ESD vinyl tile solves moisture & contamination problems & is installed in an operational facility with no lost production time.
Static Bursts (Ep #16): ESD Chairs: A Bridge Between Two Perfect Methods of Grounding
ESD Chairs act as a bridge between an ESD floor and conductive wrist strap, grounding & preventing the seated person from generating a charge.
Static Bursts (Ep. #15): The Importance of Qualifying ESD Flooring
To properly qualify an ESD floor it’s critical to test as a flooring/footwear system and to measure both resistance and charge generation.
How Adhesives Impact the Cost of ESD Flooring Installations
Conductive adhesives typically used for ESD flooring installations all have advantages/disadvantages. This episode explains pros and cons as well as discussing glue free options.
Static Bursts (#Ep 13): Why One Type of ESD Flooring Doesn't Fit All Applications
There is no one-size-fits-all static-control floor. Materials like ESD vinyl that require ESD footwear will fail in call centers and government offices.
Hidden Costs of Flooring Installations (Part III): ESD Carpet Durability
To avoid the hidden costs of installing ESD carpet, it’s crucial to evaluate carpet construction, fiber geometry, modification ratio, and carpet design.