State House Sound Bites Podcast

State House Sound Bites Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 57: Food and water
July 03, 2018

With the legislature out of session for (probably) the entire summer, it’s time to turn our attention to some other reporting projects outside the daily grind of Harrisburg. Paula Knudsen of The Caucus and Sam Janesch of L&P and The Caucus have spent t...

Episode 56: The art of the “get out of town” budget
June 22, 2018

It’s a brave new world for the commonwealth’s budget process—at least compared to the last decade or so. For the first time in many years, lawmakers are poised to pass a budget ahead of the June 30th deadline,

Episode 55: Amendments for all
June 16, 2018

This week had everything: major bills moving, last-minute amendments, a little back-room plotting, and a lot of yelling on the Senate floor. A bill to create a citizen’s commission on redistricting has passed the Senate and is now awaiting House action...

Episode 54: Too many redistricting bills, not enough time
June 11, 2018

It’s crunch time for the House and Senate to get a redistricting overhaul passed in time for congressional reapportionment in 2021. But you wouldn’t be able to tell there’s a month to the deadline by spending time in the Capitol.

Episode 53: Election retrospective, medical marijuana transparency
May 18, 2018

This week, Pennsylvania had an election. If you’re a person who noticed this happened, you may have also noticed that some of the outcomes were expected, others were not, and various partisans and pundits still seem pretty divided about whether Democra...

Episode 52: Primary primer
May 14, 2018

Pennsylvania’s primary elections are this coming Tuesday, and there’s a lot to pay attention to. Three GOP candidates for governor are facing off to see who will take on Tom Wolf in November. York County Senator Scott Wagner,

Episode 51: Meek Mill and more
April 27, 2018

Marc Levy of the Associated Press and Liz Navratil of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette join us for a roundup of a whole bunch of initiatives kicking around the Capitol That includes a move to expand background checks for gun purchases,

Episode 50: Philly soda tax / Capitol roundup
April 20, 2018

  When Philadelphia wanted to combat obesity and reduce its impact on health care early last year, it turned to a controversial measure: the soda tax. Since then, the 1.5 cent-per-ounce tax has inspired equally passionate support and opposition.

Episode 49: TV ad-pocalypse
April 14, 2018

On this week’s podcast, we catch up on a slew of nasty ads that have been circulating on TV—a sign the GOP gubernatorial primary is heating up. Paul Mango and Scott Wagner are taking turns calling each other liberal and (in Mango’s case) “violent,

Episode 48: A perfect storm for change
March 30, 2018

Pennsylvanias not a state that changes course easily. But over the past few months of redistricting chaos, not to mention wider, national unrest over guns and sexual assault, the commonwealth has see
